
Social Work Career Day Webinar was held

Within the scope of Bartın University Faculty of Health Sciences Career Days, "Social Work Career Day Event" was held online on 22 May 2024. The event was moderated by the Head of the Department of Social Work, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zeynep Turhan, with the participation of Fatih TOKSÖZ, Social Work Specialist from the Ministry of Family and Social Services - Saray Barrier-Free Life Care Rehabilitation and Family Counselling Centre.

Starting his speech with the rights-based practice approach of social work and the importance of human rights, Toksöz emphasised that transferring the theoretical knowledge learned at the university to practice and intervening by integrating both is the first step of being a good social worker. Fatih Toksöz, who has been practising social work for more than twenty-five years, shared his experiences from many areas such as homeless, disabled, child protection, medical social work. He emphasised the importance of organising as professionals in the interventions they implemented in Saray Barrier-Free Life Care Rehabilitation and Family Counselling Centre, the problems they encountered and the importance of organising as professionals in finding solution methods. She shed light on our social work students who are being trained by emphasising that she never lost hope in the profession and the applicants and that she never experienced burnout. The event was concluded by answering the questions of the students about the issues they were curious about in the profession

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